Fatty Liver Disease Ups Heart Risks for Obese Kids (HealthDay)
HealthDay - MONDAY, June 30 (HealthDay News) -- More than 6 million childrenin the United States have a condition called nonalcoholic fatty liverdisease (NAFLD), which can boost their odds for heart disease, researchersreport.Foods heal illness, provide our cells with energy, prevent disease and build our immunity. Only whole, natural foods have this life-supporting power. Not vitamins, not multivitamins and not drugs. buy pure thiamine mononitrate b1 powder you are suffering from a common cold, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, cancer, mouth sores, diabetes, prostate problems, PMS, osteoporosis, joint pain, headaches, back pain or any other symptom or disease, you absolutely need the full range of nutrients that are only found in nature's real, whole, pure foods.
Vitamins and multivitamins are not foods. In fact, they are a collection of chemicals. Over the years, food science researchers have identified a great number of important food substances that are far more important than vitamins or minerals! This amazing discovery explains why vitamin and mineral pills just do not work as well as whole foods and whole food supplements.
The key is that foods, including the foods organic and wild crafted whole food supplements, contain a wide variety of nutrients that our bodies desperately need and use to maintain health, healing, prevention and immunity. These nutrients include vitamins and minerals, but also trace minerals, enzymes, flavonoids, carotenoids, pigments, terpenes, chlorophyll, coenzymes, covitamins, amino acids and much much more.
The scientific fact is that, without these important nutrients, our bodies cannot heal or prevent disease. And, scientists absolutely cannot create or duplicate any of these natural food ingredients in their laboratories. Therefore, without real foods, we cannot survive and we cannot heal.
Scientists cannot duplicate nature's food nutrients or the wondrous complexity and healing power of real foods. Vitamin supplements (which are only PARTS of foods) contain only vitamins, leaving out all of the real, natural, life-supporting nutrients named above. Without synergists -- cofactors existent within the whole food complex, the body continues to be starved of micronutrients needed for healing, repair and prevention.
Whole food supplements, on the other hand, contain complete sets of complex nutrients that interrelate and work together within nature's foods for our health benefit. Vitamins are never found alone (in isolation) in nature. Our goal is to nutrify (feed) the entire body with complete, nutrient-dense foods, not just vitamins. Here is what you will find with non-food supplements:
- Isolated vitamins and minerals
- Nonfood substances
- Artificial potency
- Measurements in milligrams and IUs of ingredients
- Most frequently, companies infuse their so-called "food" supplements with isolated vitamins, minerals and amino acids
- Complete foods
- Complete nutrients and their natural cofactors
- Vitamins & minerals contained within the foods
- Naturally occurring quantities of milligrams of a wide array of nutrients
Shane is a researcher and writer in the area of nutrition and health. He is not only a CNC but also is devoted to furthering the cause of whole food supplements over vitamins which are synthetic isolated chemicals. His contributions are featured at Nutritional-life.com.