Busy Day For Animal Shelters After Fourth Of July Weekend - dBTechno
![]() KIDK | Busy Day For Animal Shelters After Fourth Of July Weekend dBTechno - Washington (dbTechno) - Today marks one of the busiest days of the year for animal shelters, as hundreds upon hundreds of people call in asking about their missing pets. Busiest Day of the Year for Animal Shelters Pets available |
You've heard all the weight loss "experts" tell you that the buy pure soy protein powder flab hanging off of your waste is because...
These self-proclaimed "experts" tell us these things all of the time and why...? Because they are like parrots; they simply repeat the things they hear everyone else saying!
The weight loss industry is full of people who talk a good game, but actually have no clue what they are talking about!
And what do such statements do to help us remove the fat we are struggling with?
Absolutely nothing!
I mean... I bet you know people who eat tons of food and never gain a pound. And then there are those who eat nothing and blow up like a balloon!
So here's a thought...
Maybe the reason for your extra flab is not that you eat too much?
Just maybe it's something else... something that you have never considered.
You must realize that fat is nothing more than stored energy. It's your body's way of saving food for a coming famine.
And here's the all-important question...
Why would your body feel like a killer... no food for months... famine is on its way, given that you are not starving yourself?
Because of a single amazing truth: Your body does not operate on food... it operates on nutrition!
Perhaps the reason for those extra fat stores is that you are not getting enough nutrition. Without adequate nutrition your body will store all it can to try to get enough of the nutrition it needs.
Here's what I have found...
when you assume that your flabby condition is due to a lack of nutrition and as a result, you begin to provide adequate nutrition in the form of highly nourishing food...
the rate at which you lose weight is simply mind blowing!
So here's the question...
What is the highly nourishing food that your body craves?
You will find it in almost none of the "fad" diets. Weight loss pills certainly don't have it. And medications and most of the medical profession don't even have a clue!
In fact, there is only one way to get it.
It's found in the food that is consumed by societies who never get fat!
Author Bio:
Jason Clemens is a leading weight loss and nutrition expert.
"Learn how you can ignite your weight loss and destroy the ugly fat with the dynamite nutrition
guaranteed to produce immediate results!"
==>Visit naturally-lose-weight-fast.com
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